KnightFoundation is funding LibraryBox

Knight Foundation picture

This year the Knight Foundation decided to grant projects around the topic “Libraries & Technology” and one of the picked is LibraryBox. Beside the LibraryBox project, another project, called Dewey, is funded that uses PirateBox/LibraryBox in the background.

In my opinion it is amazing how the LibraryBox-project develops, which is mostly the result of a very consequent and persistent work of Jason Griffey.

With this grant the LibraryBox project targets the release version 2.1 including the following new features:

  • Multi-language support of the GUI
  • Clean and easier upgrade path
  • More responsive design at the directory listing
  • RaspberryPi support

I’m glad to support Jason with some development work to get the version 2.1 ready to run.

The logo aboves’ copyright © 2000-20011, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

bisQuITbox @ FSCONS'13

Last month I visited an open source conference named “FSCONS”. The name is short for “Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit” and it took place in Göteborg from November 8-10.

I gave a talk about the PirateBox project and received some nice feedback about the project..

As well, I visited interesting talks and discussions about other free software like owncloud. The owncloud talk was given by the founder of the project (Frank Karlitschek).

And later, I was able to get a sneak preview of the mailpile software which was funded with indigogo.

It was a totally mind opening event. Thank you FSCONS team!

PirateBoxCamp 2013 took place in Berlin

We are proud to be part of the PirateBox community. We sponsored five TP-Link MR3020 and USB-Sticks that the audience was able to build their own PirateBox.

One of our visitors and community members created that awesome video about the camp.

PirateboxCamp 2013 - Berlin from Augustin Delaporte on Vimeo.

Super PirateBox

More pictures can be found on - Camp pictures.

Pictures are licenced under CC-3.0 share alike, taken from

LibraryBox Kickstarter success

LibraryBox Logo

A friend of me, Jason Griffey, created a very successful Kickstarter campain to fund further development of his project called LibraryBox.

LibraryBox is a //less provocative// fork of the PirateBox project, that does not allow uploads to the device. Jason’s roots are libraries and he promotes the devices as a utility to spread free eBooks or other material.

Learn more about the use cases of the LibraryBox project.

The logo above is licenced under Creative Commons Licensed NC-BY by Jason Griffey


Gallery picture

OFFLINE ART is “net art” project designed to distribute this kind of art into galleries. Up to the release of the OFFLINE ART project, it was only possible to see web- and net-art projects in Internet-cafés or your computer at home. With this project and the tiny device it utilizes, everything changes - for the artist even for the vistor.

We provided technical assistance for Aram Bartholl and tried to create a modified OpenWrt software, which makes the customization //as easy as possible// for the artist. All relevant configuration whas moved to text-files on an attached USB Stick including the artistic computerfiles, i.e. pictures, videos, text-files…

By using the USB Stick, the artist can place art and configure the hardware within a couple of minutes. Every artist got a pre-prepared device, including the customized OFFLINE ART firmware. After booting up the tiny router, a wifi network appears, which the artist has the option to name. In this first exhibition, each wifi network was based on the art it included.


Every visitor was able to see a list of presenting artists through their smartphone, and was able to see the art with his own device at the gallery - without requiring a normal computer.

It is possible to order pre-installed OFFLINEART-devices, please contact us under office(at)

The pictures at this page are owned by Aram Bartholl and are licenced under [Creative Commons license by-nc-sa 3.0] (HTTP://